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Ultraversity validated modules

Action Inquiry (30 credits at level HE5)
This module brings together developing research skills and an increasing understanding of theory in an action inquiry. It seeks to build upon Year One by again offering the opportunity to select and negotiate an appropriate task. In choosing a topic you may wish to further develop existing research from the previous modules or begin new cycles
Exhibition Preparation (30 credits at level HE6)
During this module researchers will consider the implications of the research methodology they will be using including the ethical considerations. They will be involved in research leading to a small-scale pilot exhibition in preparation for the main exhibition. They will be considering audience, media and communication strategies in order to have the maximum impact on the identified audience.
Exhibition Validation and Defence (30 credits at level HE6)
The defence will be to a peer and academic audience and will be made after the exhibition process and will focus on the reaction it generated. The defence is in the form of an exploration of the approach used and some of the key ideas that have been developed. In addition, key questions posed by the examiners will be answered. The defence should be disseminated using appropriate media.
Implement Action Inquiry and Exhibition (30 credits level HE6)
During this module researchers will carry out their research plans and hold a full-scale exhibition of the findings. They will also gather evidence of the impact of the research. This module will provide the opportunity to present key research findings and begin to assess the impact of this on the workplace and colleagues.
Introduction to Online Communication & Technology (30 credits at level HE 4)
This module aims to enable the student, to understand how to use the online learning community environment. You will learn how to confidently participate in online conversations with your learning facilitator and peer group. You will gain a basic understanding of how people interact in an online community to support each other’s learning.
Investigating the Work Setting (30 credits at level HE4)
This module will introduce you to workplace learning. You will deepen your understanding of your role in the workplace looking at it from a range of perspectives. This activity will act as a foundation for the research work you will undertake during the degree introducing you to.
Reflection in the Work Setting 1 (30 credits at level HE4)
This module introduces the concept of systematic and critical reflection. You will explore your role in your work place by reflecting on specific critical instances that provide an opportunity for learning - what, when, and why you do things and how you this affects you and those around you.
Learning in the Work Setting (30 credits at level HE5)
This module aims to enable the student to develop an understanding of learning in the context of the organisation as a learning body moving forward in an ever-changing world. You will consider the way your Personal Development Plan and personal learning integrates/links with the learning of your workplace organisation
Reflection in the Work Setting 2 (30 credits level HE5)
This module is built on the skills and knowledge you developed in Reflection in the Work Setting 1, where you identified critical incidents and used a model of reflection to begin to make sense of what you observed. This module uses the contexts of workplace technology and learning to further explore this idea at a higher level, by focusing on the concept of 'Double Loop' learning.
Review and Planning (30 credits at level HE6)
During this module researchers will plan out the work for the four modules of their level 3, year 3 work. This will involve reviewing changes in the work role and what has been learned from the degree course to date.
Understanding Action Inquiry (30 credits level HE4)
Action Inquiry is a process by which you can better understand your workplace by observing, developing and carrying out an action plan to effect change and improvement. It is a process that values qualitative rather than quantitative data and where the emphasis is on listening to and researching with colleagues. Action enquiry is particularly valuable for those seeking to improve their working practice. It will develop valuable workplace skills in ICT, communication, presentation, reflection and analysis.