Action in the Work Context (40 credits at level HE5)
You will develop research rigour and apply practitioner and academic knowledge to an action inquiry. In choosing a topic, you justify your focus for action inquiry.
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Track Record
Action Inquiry (30 credits at level HE5)
This module brings together developing research skills and an increasing understanding of theory in an action inquiry. It seeks to build upon Year One by again offering the opportunity to select and negotiate an appropriate task. In choosing a topic you may wish to further develop existing research from the previous modules or begin new cycles
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Ultraversity validated modules
Action Inquiry Project Preparation (20 credits at level HE6)
This module will provide the theoretical underpinning for your research work. This will involve an in depth literature review of the literature specific to their topic of research. You need to look at a variety of relevant literature, identifying key concepts, discussing in depth issues synthesised from a variety of sources.
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Action Research (30 credits at level HE7)
You will employ research rigour and apply practitioner and academic knowledge to an action inquiry. In choosing a topic, you justify with evidence your focus for action inquiry
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Action Research Preparation (30 credits at level HE7)
You prepare for undertaking action research through consideration of research approaches, data collection & analysis methods, plans for undertaking research and reviewing existing knowledge
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Action Research, Exhibition, Validation and Synthesis (60 credits at level HE7)
You will implement your action inquiry plans and engage in multiple cycles of action inquiry. You will maintain your learning journal to keep a diary of issues that arise, progress made and effectiveness in improving work practice. You will collect data, present this data, analyse it and discuss findings in the light of the literature relevant to your research focus.
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Analysing the Professional Context (30 credits at level HE7)
Analysing the Professional Context
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Exhibition Preparation (30 credits at level HE6)
During this module researchers will consider the implications of the research methodology they will be using including the ethical considerations. They will be involved in research leading to a small-scale pilot exhibition in preparation for the main exhibition. They will be considering audience, media and communication strategies in order to have the maximum impact on the identified audience.
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Ultraversity validated modules
Exhibition Validation and Defence (30 credits at level HE6)
The defence will be to a peer and academic audience and will be made after the exhibition process and will focus on the reaction it generated. The defence is in the form of an exploration of the approach used and some of the key ideas that have been developed. In addition, key questions posed by the examiners will be answered. The defence should be disseminated using appropriate media.
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Ultraversity validated modules
Exhibition, Validation and Synthesis (40 credits at level HE6)
You will plan and implement full-scale exhibition of the findings based on your action inquiry.
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